Game Breakdown/Summarized
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The gameplay consisted of four choices which are attack, defend, item, and magic (shown in the image above). The damage dealt or reduced is completely determined by a random number generator set between a specified range of values. The player is not guaranteed a successful hit and can miss the enemy. To keep gameplay fair and consistent, the enemy can also miss. The item button allows the player to use a health pickup as long as they have acquired it prior to combat. If no items are present in the player's inventory, then the button cannot be clicked, and the player must then choose another option. The magic ability allows the player to deal more damage to the enemy at the cost of their health. Half of the damage amount dealt to the enemy is dealt to the player, which makes the use of magic a strategic tradeoff. Based on feedback I had gathered from players, this element adds a unique twist to the Turn-based RPG design.
Scripting and C++
I have developed an understanding of the ease that comes with implementing values for stats in game from a data spreadsheet.
Utilizing C++ has given me much greater control over the functionality of my blueprints, which has proven extremely beneficial. That said, for simpler gameplay I personally prefer to use scripting. Above is an example of my work taking C++ and making a specific node with it in Unreal Engine.
Map Overview
This overhead view of my map concept, while primitive, effectively allowed me place objectives and to create gameplay and story beats. This was the just the essentials to create the desired gameplay before adding toxic gas and other assets.
World Building and the Turn-Based Genre
From importing a borrowed 3D character model as an enemy, to inserting a jpeg image of a character that talks to the player, to building a scene with complimentary lighting and art, I was able to take commonly found features inherent to the genre of game I was making (a turn-based RPG) and blending it all together. By acknowledging what aspects make these games successful and keeping them, I was able to create the "feel" of this type of game while still being given the opportunity to implement unique changes.